Time: 2025 Mar 14 1:33:44
Found 2857 logbook entries, displaying most recent 100
Logbook Contents (Most Recent Entries)
12 Mar 2025 Wednesday 14:23 [Don Carter] Nisha left a note that the BCI did a reset when she opened/closed the Large Target Room door. This was likely caused because the BCI had a cable connected to the remote reset input that been used in the Joseph Derkin R45 measurement. The computer had been removed and the line to the BCI Reset was left unconnected and likely acted as an antenna and coupled noise from the door opening and closing and inadvertently reset the BCI. Hopefully this will not happen now.
07 Mar 2025 Friday 18:36 [Tom Massey] I have shut down the sputter source. We had 10 microamperes at 115 degrees for the cesium resevior. The cesium resivior took a longer time than nomal to cool down. I turned down the feed tube to 450 mA to allow the reservoir to cool down.
04 Mar 2025 Tuesday 20:12 [Jeswald] After a day of struggles, we managed to tune the beam to have one microamp on target. The count rate on the NE213 detector was still too high. The beam settings were logged and the magnets were turned down to 5 amps. The plan is to come in in the morning and continue working on the detectors.
25 Feb 2025 Tuesday 18:49 [Jeswald] At around 4:45 - 5:00 pm, Mike and Cade were changing the detector distance. When we came back into the control room, the sputter source appeared to have tripped off. The Del high voltage and Glassman high voltages were also off. No alarms had sounded to alert us of this problem any sooner. The sputter source vacuum interlocked had activated and the diffusion pump baffle had shut. The ion gauge had tripped off. Greg, Don, and Cade reset all power supplies and gauges. As of now, we are unaware of what triggered this shut down - Possible RFI from the alphatross. Currently, we are attempting to start the sputter source again.
22 Feb 2025 Saturday 20:37 [ Tom Massey] I set the swinger current to 50 AMP to keep the chiller from freezing up.
21 Feb 2025 Friday 17:53 [Tom Masssey] The flashing red lights, which show the accelerator is running, in the upstairs hallway are not working.
17 Feb 2025 Monday 10:46 [Leblanc] New foils loaded into the accelerator. A stopping foil was placed in position 1 (I thought it was 0, but gas stripping worked on position 0). Foils are as follows: 1μg/cm² positions 2 through 26; 2μg/cm² positions 27 through 50; 5μg/cm² positions 51 through 75. Foil position 50 gave poor transmission with d- @ 3.5 MV terminal.
11 Feb 2025 Tuesday 10:40 [carter] Ludlum DRD accumulated for Jan 2025 shutdown tests (delayed until 11 Feb 2025 because of accelerator maintenance), console DRD 0.84 and roaming DRD was 0.00.
06 Feb 2025 Thursday 14:17 [carter,leblanc] To get foil changer to operate need circuit breakers #6 and #8 under console ON and key switch ON and control power ON.
12 Dec 2024 Thursday 10:04 [Leblanc, Campbell] N2 bottle in terminal found to be 125 PSI.
19 Nov 2024 Tuesday 18:25 [Alexander V] Alarm went off, terminal voltage dropped from 3.75MV down to about 3.5MV, and came back on its own. Column current increased by about 5-10% and then came gradually back down to the level slightly greater than it was before. Operation continued.
28 Oct 2024 Monday 17:37 [Jackie Kuroda] Moved copper flat bands around on the inductor in alpha source this did not improve the rf meter on the source. Changed copper flat copper bannds on alphatross to copper braids moved them around and the rf meter off scaled. As the alphatross was turned on the rf reading decreased and increased in the red part of the meter. The current on the LE cup got up to about 170 nA. There is probably a leak as there was a 1.5 uA Oxygen beam.
21 Oct 2024 Monday 02:28 [Joseph Derkin] Sputter source shut off around 11:30pm and I saw it on the online stacked plots ~2 hours later. It looks like a vacuum failure and the diffusion pump is off. LE and HE tube vacuum appears to be intact.
09 Oct 2024 Wednesday 09:40 [carter] uncher output tube 4-65A replaced, unstable and drawing grid current, Low output power.
08 Oct 2024 Tuesday 11:43 [Leblanc, Saugier, Massey, Carter] Quarterly checks complete. Main DRD: 0.01 mR Secondary DRD: 0.0 mR
27 Sep 2024 Friday 14:37 [carter] Quad1 B cooling fan was bad and was replaced. Quad1 B back in operation.
26 Sep 2024 Thursday 16:10 [Leblanc, Derkin, Singh] Loss of beam current was observed this afternoon. Investigation showed that Quad 1B PSU is dropping to 0 current after approximately 5 minutes. Quad 1B will recover current after 3-4 minutes. BCI current level discriminator configured to allow intermitten running this afternoon. Need to troubleshoot PSU.
17 Sep 2024 Tuesday 07:59 [carter/leblanc] HE quad B (lower unit) failed and was replaced with in-house spare. Symptom was half current with no programming voltage.
31 Jul 2024 Wednesday 09:14 [Leblanc] Alphatross service. Hours 19519.2. Replaced Aluminum canal, BN insulator, and canal holder with Ta canal and fresh insulator and canal holder. Replaced O-ring from bottle to Rb chamber. Replaced gas line O-ring and trimmed line. Found some scoring in the outside of the gas delivery line, which may have lead to poor performance with He.
22 Jul 2024 Monday 11:33 [carter] High energy ion gauge found off and control power off. Ion gauge would not stay on. Replaced the cards in the HE ion gauge controller and re-opened HE pumping station pump valve. All seems OK at this point.
20 May 2024 Monday 09:37 [Ingram] 9:15 AM Alarms reset: tritium, alarm panel, shutdown. Loop water pumps started. Lot of air in magnet subloop. Not sure the primary pump is running. Logbook link on console computer not working.
15 May 2024 Wednesday 10:41 [Tom Massey] The radiation monitor is sounding. The counter and graph show a large increase of count rate. All of the radiation monitors on the display showed only background levels of radiation. The counter was reset but the count rate remained high and tripped the alarm in a few minutes. The door to the control room has been closed to reduce the noise. Repairs will be attempted when Don Carter returns.
07 May 2024 Tuesday 13:33 [carter] Tritium monitor pump motor bearings were squeeling and needing repacment. Spare pump/motor was installed and will see if shop can replace the motor bearings in the old one.
22 Apr 2024 Monday 10:01 [carter] Control1 and firewall computers imaged to new 500 GB SSD's and old discs retired and new SD's installed. 22 April 2024.
16 Apr 2024 Tuesday 14:56 [carter] Re-aligned NMR range switch coupling and cleaned contacts with Deoxit contact cleaner. Seems o be woking OK now.
12 Apr 2024 Friday 10:45 [carter] Test entry adding Andrea and Cody to "all operators" logbook email checkbox list.
12 Apr 2024 Friday 10:43 [carter] Test logbook entry with send to Cody and Andrea checkbox checked.
01 Apr 2024 Monday 15:31 [Leblanc, Parker, Richard, Rambo, Derkin, Jeswald, Carter] Quarterly Safety Check Operator DRD: 4.75 Secondary DRD: 0.01
28 Mar 2024 Thursday 09:30 [Joseph Derkin] This morning I observed the R45 cryopump near switching wall had failed. Televac ion gauge controller was not responding, and the cryopump was heavily frosted over. I opened up the roughing valve to the cryopump, unplugged the cryo from the compressor, and turned on a fan.
08 Mar 2024 Friday 14:52 [carter] Sputter source water level alarm readjusted to proper intensity value to compensate for bulb ageing.
12 Feb 2024 Monday 14:57 [carter] Added an entry in /etc/rc.local to automatically at boot run the shell script to set stty parameters for magnet programs. It is /home/carter/bin/stty_setup and will need to be run at least once after reboot. To see current options "sudo stty -F /dev/ttyS[0,4,5] -a".
23 Jan 2024 Tuesday 12:16 [Carter, Leblanc] Recalibrated inflection magnet settings logger this morning. Logged magnet current logged value was lower than actual value. Multiplied old value by 1.183 to obtain readings that match with the readout of the set current in the inflection magnet controls. Last night currents were reading around 0.83A, actual value was 0.99A.
18 Jan 2024 Thursday 17:13 [Leblanc] Ion gauge in the HE beam leg (between HE gate valve and analyzer magnet is off, and the filament appears to be burn out. No running possible until it's replaced. Cesium sputter source left off, though it is ready to run.
02 Jan 2024 Tuesday 15:02 [Tom Massey] Quarterly check DRD last reading 2.71
30 Dec 2023 Saturday 16:05 [Leblanc] VESDA trouble with minor low air flow pipe 2 on the DOCK VLS. Tried cleaning out the pipe from either end, but it didn't fix the problem. Normalized the air flow using the VSM software, and that appears to have cleared the error.
29 Dec 2023 Friday 13:17 [Tom Massey] The VESPA touble cleared itself. The system is normal now.
29 Dec 2023 Friday 12:33 [Tom Massey] Vespa trouble alarm. The screen shows "DOCK VLS - Minor Air flow piep 2"
07 Dec 2023 Thursday 09:32 [Leblanc] Radiation monitor for the vault went off because I unhooked it. Facilities guys had scaled the scaffolding and needed to move it 2', but the radiation monitor was in the way and the wires were behind the scaffold. I removed the wires but before they finished that work, my alarm to leave for class went off and I left without reconnecting it. The alarms didn't go off because the rate wasn't high enough during the remaining 3 hours of the 8-4 shift to trigger the alarm. Detector reconnected to the system and accidental shutdown log filled out. Accelerator paper logbook also updated with brief information.
07 Dec 2023 Thursday 08:52 [Ingram] Shutdown alarm going off. No obvious source of radaition. Chart shows steady increase in recroded level that does not appear on the meters.
29 Nov 2023 Wednesday 15:28 [carter] Shell script to set stty parameters for magnet programs is /home/carter/bin/stty_setup and will need to be run at least once after reboot. To see current options "sudo stty -F /dev/ttyS[0,4,5] -a". Also now prevent left click below zero and also now do tcflush(fd,TCIOFLUSH) after opening device.
17 Nov 2023 Friday 18:01 [Leblanc] Sputter source maintenance today. Symptoms leading to service were low D+ beam currents and target current < 2mA. Expectation was to find Cs depleted. Inspection found that Cs was OK, but the source was quite dirty with sputtered material. Many parts of the source also showed discoloration from high temperatures. Bead blasted many internal components, cleaned, and reassembled. Added an additional 5g of Cs to reservoir. Left system pumping with ion gauge reading mid-10^-5. Settings logger restarted. Ionizer left at about 10A/3.5V. Gate valve to low energy extension leaked during Ar backfill of the source. Regenerated LE cryopump. Didn't have good enough vacuum to turn on the ion gauge before leaving, but pump was recovering.
03 Nov 2023 Friday 09:31 [Leblanc, Warren] Alphatross source wasn't responding this morning. Alphatross shortcut did not start the software, even after rebooting the PC. Invoking alphatross from the command line revealed "no route to host". Inspection found no link-light on the blue cable on the alphatross switch. This cable terminates in the control room behind the console. All 3 UPS units on the shelf were off, causing the alphatross switch to be without power. The front 2 UPS units started without issue. The rear tripplite unit would not start, but only appears to be powering Alexander Voinov's USB external disk. Left the third UPS alone for now.
02 Nov 2023 Thursday 00:32 [Joseph Derkin] The last thing we did tonight was perform an energy change to 5.1 MeV, and the source started to show strong fluctuations. This made tuning extremely difficult, we were only able to achieve 10nA max before calling it for the night. I logged the accelerator settings and am leaving the alpha source on at Greg's direction. We will need to investigate the source output in the morning, I was measuring fluctuations from 0 - 400 nA at the HE cup. I did try tuning on the inflection magnet, einzel lens, and "focus voltage" with no success. CMU would like to start at 5.1 MeV again in the morning.
24 Oct 2023 Tuesday 16:56 [Joseph Derkin] Shutdown module went off while machine was running, E2 alarm indicating sub loop temp warning. Don and I investigated and the secondary loop inlet is reading 0 psi, and the outlet reads 50 psi. Secondary loop temp reading 82 F. Control power left off until tomorrow.
20 Oct 2023 Friday 16:07 [Leblanc] Leak found on Helium supply line for analyzer cryo-pump using sniffer mode on the leak checker. Spare line retrieved from LTR spares and installed temporarily. Need to work on re-routing when accelerator downtime permits. High energy and analyzer cryo-pump gate valves are closed and the pumps turned off. Cryo-compressor is running to circulate helium through the lines and remove any impurities. Analyzer leg left on roughing vacuum to avoid leakage into R45. Plan is to rough out the two cryos on Monday and recover vacuum.
20 Oct 2023 Friday 09:23 [Ingram] HE compressor has lost He again. Swicher pump is sweating. I have shut off the compressor. I am trying to save the vacuum in 45R which is about 1E-6 by roughing on the switcher beam line as the pump warms up.
17 Oct 2023 Tuesday 10:52 [Leblanc et. al] Operators DRD Accumulated dose 0.72mRem Guest DRD accumulated dose 0.07mRem
09 Oct 2023 Monday 16:26 [Ingram] We have confirmed the gate valve between the switcher and the 45R beamline is leaking when it is closed. Venting 45R caused an immediate pressure rise to off-scale on the tc gauge monitoring the beamline between the switcher and the analyzer magnets. For now both the 45R and switcher/analyzer sections need to be maintained at the same vacuum level or one will cause problems for the other.
06 Oct 2023 Friday 12:00 [Joseph Derkin] I replaced one filament on the nude ion gauge on R45. Both of the old filaments were measured as an open loop. The ion gauge controller was checked with the test gauge and confirmed to be in working condition. One of the spare filaments was already broken in the box, and I did not find any other spares. The R45 section of beam pipe near the switcher magnet wall was vented to atmosphere at 10:50am. The gauge has been reinstalled and is roughing down now.
03 Oct 2023 Tuesday 15:11 [Ingram] The LE cryopumps are working again. The HE cryopumps are shutdown until Greg can do some maintenance on them. The accelerator will not to be used until that happens.
03 Oct 2023 Tuesday 11:52 [Ingram] HE cryopump compressor needs helium. It is reading 0 psi running and 25 when stopped.
02 Oct 2023 Monday 15:15 [Ingram] Vacuum failure between the analyzer and the switcher. It has affected the LE cryopumps. All pumps regenerating.
15 Sep 2023 Friday 17:00 [carter] The inflection magnet power supply has been moved from the vault to the small target room with the other power supplies. The inflection magnet polarity is currently set for Alphas, For hopefully a short period, the polarity needs to be switched manually. Contact Don or Greg before you run if it needs to be changed.
15 Sep 2023 Friday 10:30 [carter] Control1 image backup complete and web services restored.
14 Sep 2023 Thursday 10:34 [carter] Because of the many modifications to the accelerator control computer to implement the new Heinzinger power supplies (control1), I am planning on doing an image backup of the system starting this afternoon and will probably last overnight. The control1 computer will not be available over this time, likely done sometime tomorrow AM. Since the computer will be in single user mode for the backup, some OUAL webpages (eg. realtime logging, handbook, etc.) will be unavailable until this has finished. If this will be a problem for anyone, try to let me know by 3:00 PM today, otherwise I will start the backup.
06 Sep 2023 Wednesday 11:56 [carter/leblanc] Quad1A transient response has been adjusted and now is much more stable. Still can be made to oscillate on large jumps, like the others. Tolerates much quicker movement than before though.
06 Sep 2023 Wednesday 11:53 [carter/leblanc] All dipole magnets are now connected to the new Heinzinger power supplies. Restart buttons have been modified to start the Heinzinger control software, Polarity switching is done using the "Deflection" button to toggle the magnet polarity. Deflection direction is reported on the "Magnet Current" line of the software. Report any problems to don. The only analog panel meter that is connected is the switcher. Currently no analog meter on the analyzer of the swinger.
21 Aug 2023 Monday 19:49 [Joseph Derkin] Glassman power supplies not turning on for Cs sputter source after pellet installation. I ensured that both HV source doors were closed and the indicator lights were on. I tried the "boost" button with no success. Greg suggested that I try leaving the HV source door open for several minutes to let the solonoid cool down, and this also did not work.
17 Aug 2023 Thursday 16:16 [carter/leblanc] Alphatross performance after leak checking 4He plumbing and replacing one small section of plastic plumbing resulted in 10 nA of oxygen and 550 nA of 4He beam.
17 Aug 2023 Thursday 12:45 [carter] A "Fine" terminal voltage adjustment control has been added to the NEC Terminal Potential Stabilizer that allows very fine adjustments to tne "Terminal Voltage" control with a full range of 1.5 KV. This control is labeled "Fine" and is located coaxial to the "Bias Current" control.
15 Aug 2023 Tuesday 17:31 [carter] We are now using the new Heinzinger magnet power supplies for both the analyzing magnet and the switching magnet, a dedicated power supply for each magnet. Polarity switching is handled in the software GUI using the "Deflection" button. The old HVEC magnet power supply is now dedicated to the swinger magnet. We are no longer using the large polarity switch located by the switcher nor are we using the "Null" circuit breaker located by the analyzing magnet. The old HVEC magnet supply we were using for the analyzer/swinger should not be switched from the SWING position and is only used to power the swinger magnet now.. New instructions will be written for the accelerator handbook but until then, see Don or Greg for magnet power supply instruction and setup.
14 Aug 2023 Monday 14:59 [Leblanc] Installed 0.032 inch canal and insulator. Increased probe voltage by 125V every 5 seconds to 6kV. No initial spike in probe current. Probe current at 2.5mA when probe reached 6kV. After 20 minutes, probe current rose to 3.5 to 3.6mA.
14 Aug 2023 Monday 13:00 [Leblanc] Insulator and canal combination of 0.024 inches resulted in very high initial probe currents. Peak was over 6.5mA. Steady state reached in about 5 minutes of 2.5 to 2.75 mA. Replaced with 0.029 inch gap insulator and canal combination. Again high currents observed initially. Current decayed to 2.0 to 2.5 mA after about 5 minutes.
14 Aug 2023 Monday 10:45 [Leblanc] Alphatross testing continues. Friday installed new canal and insulator with gap measured at 0.004 inches. Initial probe current around 1.85mA which decayed to 1.4mA after 20 minutes. Increased magnet current to 4.5A which resulted in an increase in probe current to 1.55mA. Still below target of 2.0mA. Replaced with canal and insulator gap measured at 0.024 inches.
08 Aug 2023 Tuesday 07:40 [carter] The Accelerator Handbook WIKI now contains a section for dipole magnet setup instructions. The instructions are contained on the Accelerator Start-up page, section 5. titled "Dipole Magnet Setup Instructions".
01 Aug 2023 Tuesday 17:18 [Leblanc] Many VESDA warnings last night, almost exclusively Minor low air flow pipe 2 on the DOCK VLS. Disconnected this pipe and cleaned with the shop vac. Cleaned the pipes on the control room VESDA in the mechanical room. This required removing the pipe clamps holding the conduit in place. Set off the fire alarm doing this, but it was in local-only mode so fire department visit. I suspect that the excessive levels of dust in the mechanical room got stirred up either when turning on the shopvac or when disconnecting the pipe. Try to remember to clean up around the vesda before working on these pipes next time.
26 Jul 2023 Wednesday 11:54 [carter] Terminal potential stabilizer repaired. Likely cause was a terminal spark to the corona points that caused the failure of IC11, an OP-14 OP Amp in the Corona Triode Control board located at the tank in the Corona Probe Controller assembly.
25 Jul 2023 Tuesday 17:33 [carter] While changing energy, terminal was observed to go from ~375KV to ~500KV when control gain was lowered, something happened, maybe a spark to corona points, and now corona grid voltage is always indicating -15 volts. Will investigate tomorrow.
25 Jul 2023 Tuesday 17:13 [Tom Massey] We had a problem with the Termianal Potenetial Stablizer. We were running at 0.372 MeV and had run for 2 hours at this energy. I turned the control gain down. The Terminal Voltage went to over 0.5 MV. This tripped the overvoltage protection. The Grid Voltage is now stuck at -15 V. The concensus is that there may have been a spark to the corona points and this may have damaged some of this electronics. The corona current was notice to be very high before this happened.
25 Jul 2023 Tuesday 16:41 [carter] While using the crane in the Large Target Room today, I was raising the lift hook and there was a loud bang/noise and a yellow flash up by the drive motor on the trolley. I have turned off the breaker for the crane and put notices on the breaker and the control pendant that it is out of order. Turned on the LTR exhaust fan to vent any smoke and will investigate further tomorrow. Do not use the crane.
18 Jul 2023 Tuesday 11:20 [Ingram] The accelerator is running but with a beam and an energy that will not produce ionizing radiation on the roof or the mechanical room on the second floor. The work by facilities on the HVAC system can proceed while the accelerator is operating like this. David Ingram Dir. Edwards Accelerator Lab.
18 Jul 2023 Tuesday 10:57 [carter] Test of OUAL Logbook "Mail to Crystal Brooks" checkbox
18 Jul 2023 Tuesday 10:24 [Tom Massey] HVAC work today. Descaling is in progress. The leaking section will be evacuated, checked for leaks and recharged. This is expected to take the rest to the day.
17 Jul 2023 Monday 10:27 [Leblanc] HVAC work complete for Monday. OU HVAC team will return Tuesday at 6AM to flush the heater core to try to remove scale that is effecting heat exchanger efficiency. Trane technician is working on a quote to service loop one and replace leaking fittings and leak check. Trane tech will recommend refurbishment of chiller unit replacing compressors, heat exchangers, instrumentation, etc. Refurbishment carries a 5 year warranty. More information once I have feedback from OU HVAC.
17 Jul 2023 Monday 08:08 [Leblanc] Trane and OHIO HVAC technicians are on the roof this morning, troubleshooting our comfort chiller.
16 Jul 2023 Sunday 05:06 [Ingram] EPS system reporting Sysem Perifial Trouble Zone 401. Visusal check shows nothing. OUPD report cameras are not working.
13 Jul 2023 Thursday 16:58 [carter] I believe the unstable output issue of the buncher has been reolved and we should be OK to go tomorrow with the buncher.
30 Jun 2023 Friday 20:18 [leblanc] Mike from facilities HVAC arrived about 6 PM tonight to diagnose the comfort chiller. After some diagnostics and cleaning the chiller is operating, but not properly. Circuit 1 continues to drop out on "loss of charge". Circuit 2 is operating with extremely high (>400PSI) discharge pressure. Loaned a roof key to Mike so that he can check it in the morning, and see if the problem is likely heat related or refrigerant related. He will also try to get a Trane technican here next week to determine the course of action.
30 Jun 2023 Friday 15:07 [Justin Warren] The comfort chiller failed at approximately 12:30 PM and temperatures have risen considerably in the experimental area and control room. I've got a significant leakage current on the large target chamber as well (~ -2 nA). The accelerator has been shut down at this current time but the sputter source remains operational. Comfort chiller temperature according to the web log is approximately 78 F as of 15:06
28 Jun 2023 Wednesday 07:19 [Ingram] The Vesda system is showing an alert after reporting trouble from the small target room/control room system. I cannot see or smell a problem.
08 Jun 2023 Thursday 10:47 [Tom Massey] The control power was off when David Ingram and Justin Waren came in. There was no obvious cause to this. The air/water system showed clear. The vacuum gauge added on the high energy extension was operating in a normal range. This was assumed to be a transient and the control power was turned back on.
08 Jun 2023 Thursday 08:52 [Ingram] Vesda pipe 1 is reporting trouble intermittantly. It probably has a fluff bunny in it.
02 Jun 2023 Friday 14:49 [Leblanc] Shielding door from the vault to the loading doc was acting up today. After some searching around, found that the drive sprocket was partially disengaged from the gearbox. Removed sprocket and chain for cleaning. Will reinstall on Monday.
22 May 2023 Monday 09:14 [Ingram] Recovery from the power outage. Alarms reset and silenced. Water pumps turned on - not sure the primary loop pump is on. Suspect HVAC not working - air is muggy.
12 May 2023 Friday 16:36 [carter] Greg, Kate and I tested the power transformer in the disassembled HVEC analyzer magnet supply for the possibility of using the input taps on it connected as an auto-transformer, going in with 480 vac on the outer winding and using the lower voltage tap as a step-down auto-transformer to drop the 480 vac input to the required 360-440 vac. The test revealed that with 480 vac on the HI tap, we get 414 vac on the LOW tap, quite appropriate for our use in powering the new Heinzinger supplies. This will allow us connecting all of the new Heinzinger supplies up using the variac and transformer from the old analyzer magnet supply only.
10 May 2023 Wednesday 17:28 [carter] The first run using the new Heinzinger magnet power supply on the switcher magnet occurred today. Alexander ran a 6Li+3 beam at 3Mv on terminal, R65 degree leg. Switcher seemed stable and was running at ~106 Amps. The test of the dual DAC for fine and coarse control seemed to work well also.
20 Apr 2023 Thursday 21:12 [Bikash Chauhan] the aluminated light on the cups went out and the beam current was off. There was no terminal voltage. Mike called Greg. WE were able to get the lights glowing in the cups. As we were trying to increase theb charging voltage, the terminal voltage kept fluctuating on its own. As we increase the charging voltage, the sum current in tandom watch spike down. We then shut down the accelerator.
17 Apr 2023 Monday 17:50 [carter] High water alarm notifications checked and received by Carter, Leblanc, Ingram Brune and Massey.
17 Apr 2023 Monday 10:10 [carter] Quarterly check console DRD = 2,75 mR Visitor DRD = ,08 mR.
16 Mar 2023 Thursday 16:15 [Joseph Derkin] Greg and Joseph serviced the Cs sputter source on March 9th & 10th for cleaning and to replace the ionizer. There were suspicions that the ionizer may be poisoned and needing to be replaced. Source current was reading < 2uA on LE cup with a fresh proton pellet after over 8 hours of running the source. Source head was reinstalled on the 10th and began pumping down on high vacuum pump over the weekend of the 11-12th.
16 Mar 2023 Thursday 14:09 [Ingram] The sputter source is ready to be run. Talk with Greg about using it. I will be out of town on Friday. David Ingram
15 Mar 2023 Wednesday 16:46 [Ingram] Always on light in the STR is out as is the one on the west sdie of the LTR.
15 Mar 2023 Wednesday 16:42 [Ingram] Sputter source vacuum back to normal, 1.2E-6. Ionizer set to 10 A. All other controls run down, HV suppies may not be at zero.
15 Mar 2023 Wednesday 13:02 [Ingram] The sputter source is out of action until Greg has inspected and possibly replaced the cooling lines that were damaged by a small fire last night. The cause of the fire was the cooling lines on the left hand side of the source being moved too close to the source while it was running. High voltage discharge to the plastic probably ignited the plastic.
02 Mar 2023 Thursday 11:10 [carter] Checked for cause of instability of HE steerer supply #2 and found and replaced a bad/open high voltage resistor. Also removed the power supply for LE steerer #1 and checked all resistors and looked for any cause for abnormal behavior that had been seen but was not being seen now. No problems found and supply checked good. Checked for proper operation of all (HE and LE) steerer voltages and all look good now.
03 Feb 2023 Friday 18:53 [Justin Warren] Chain stretch alarm went off at approximately 17:30. Greg shut accelerator down and allowed it to cool for ~20 minutes. Upon restart, no alarm was triggered but after about ~10 minutes another chain stretch alarm was occured. Accelerator and source were shutdown and 9Be(p,n) experiment ended.
27 Jan 2023 Friday 19:36 [Joseph Derkin] Chain stretch alarm went off at 19:21 while taking data. Accelerator was immediately shut down.
27 Jan 2023 Friday 00:31 [Nisha Singh] The chain stretch alarm went off during the run aropund 11:20 pm. The alarm was ackowledged. Greg was called and the accelerator was turned off. When the chain motors were turned off the chain stretch alarm light on E1 panel cleared. Since ereything seemed normal, the accelerator was turned on again and the charging voltage was set to ~4.5 MeV. Withing 15 minutes of the accelerator on, the alarm went off again. After contacting Greg, he advised to put the charging voltage at 0.1 and turn on the accelerator to see if the alarm goes off again. Within 10-15 minutes, the chain stretch alarm went off. So the accelerator was shut down according to shut down protocols. The pulsing and buching, magnets and the steers were all turned down while the source was still left on.
27 Jan 2023 Friday 00:05 [Joseph Derkin] Chain stretch alarm went off at approximately 11:20PM, in the middle of taking data. Alarm was acknowledged on the E1 panel but the indicator light was still on. The chain motors were then turned off, and Greg was called. Greg advised to restart the accelerator, and the chain stretch alarm did not trip again. Greg said it was okay to cautiously resume data taking.
25 Jan 2023 Wednesday 21:58 [Joseph Derkin] Accelerator shutdown module shut down the accelerator at ~21:35 on Wednesday January 25. E2 alarm tripped, sub loops temp warning light was on; unitility loop light engaged in the vault. Per Greg's direction, we are leaving the control power off over night and he will investigate in the morning.